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Calmast, SETU’s STEM engagement centre will be running a number of STEM schools programmes this year.

As part of Calmast’s sustainability and climate action initiatives, we are delighted to invite you and your pupils to take part in a new and exciting European and International Schools competition “THINK SMART, CREATE GREEN”

Do you and your students have an interest in ‘Greening your School or Town’? Would you like to start a new sustainable initiative or build on a pre-existing idea?

Firstly, Calmast have developed a 6-week sustained engagement module for Transition Year Students focused on Sustainability, Renewable Solutions, Digital Storytelling and Peer Learning. The free hands-on module is fully flexible and designed to take place during a double class, and can be commenced in January.  For more information, for more information register your interest here: 

Secondly, as part of a new and exciting European and International Schools competition “THINK SMART, CREATE GREEN”, we would like to invite you and your students to get creative by exploring how to transform your school or town/ city into a Green Sustainable Environment.

The competition takes place in 10 countries across Europe and is open to all second level pupils, in groups of 4 across 2 categories: 12-14 and 14-16. The winning project from each country will proceed to the European final, where the winners will receive a prize of 1,000 euro. A number of runner-up prizes are also available.

For ages 12-14, students must investigate and create a model of how to transform your school into a Sustainable Green Building, explaining the model by creating a poster.

For ages 14- 16: Students must investigate how to transform an existing area of your town or city into a smart and sustainable one. The students must create a computer-designed model showing in detail all the specificities of the proposal as if it was to be presented to the city or town council. For the selection process, a short mp4 video (maximum 3 minutes) showing and explaining the model is mandatory. There is a range of software available to schools for free. 

The competition is organised by the EU European project Conexus, of which the South East Technological University is a partner. In Ireland, the competition is facilitated by Calmast, SETU’s STEM Engagement Centre.

If you are interested in participating in the programme, the deadline for registration of entries is 27th January 2023. All projects must be submitted by March 10th. Winners of the national competition will be announced in late March 2023. The overall winner of the European competition will be announced in May.

For full details, and registration form please go to:

If you need any further information on the competition or any of our programmes, please contact us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.