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Our Director and Staff

Director: Assumpta O'Neill The effectiveness of any establishment is nearly always dependent on the Staff that are employed to work there.

This has most definitely been the case for our Centre. Our Director and Secretary are an experienced team who have worked well together over the years in managing the staff and the facilities in Centre.

Similarly the Centre been blessed in continuing to have the service of Breda Halley as our Centre Secretary since 1992. Breda has spent all of her working life in Education. She is not just highly efficient in every task she is presented with but is also pleasant and courteous to all that use the Centre. Together, Assumpta and Breda are motivated to provide the very best of service in all their efforts for the Centre and are good role models for all staff employed in the Centre.

Director Assumpta O’Neill

Administration Staff Breda Halley, Lillian Purcell, Catherine Curran, Laura Zalcmane

Housekeeper Agnes Hnatowska

Caretaker Derek Ryan